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Bandeau des 24h de l'innovation

Les 24h de l'innovation

ESTIAConseil Régional AquitaineESTIA EntreprendreAPESA InnovationHSBCCrédit Agricole Mutuel Pyrénées GascogneCaisse des dépots et ConsignationsInnovation PartagéeSolidWorksORBEAOrangeCAP SCIENCESCEEI PyrénéesSolidCreativityAllosurfSport ControleSORKY ProtectionAquitaine ValoALTENErimaISPIMUnion EuropéenneEralan 2POCTEFAInstitut Culturel BasqueTechnopôle IzarbelTSMPPlancha TonioGroup BelvédèreMarie BrizardKING energy drinkKING energy drinkACE Eventaldudarrak bideoOsramThalèsWizbiiDeusto

Call for project proposal

You are a company, a university, an association, an inventor... You have an idea or a new concept of innovating product, a creative topic of R&D, a terms of reference, a need... You do not have time or available resource to work on this subject? You wish to challenge your teams, you want to "benchmark" the products of the competitors, your supplier?

Submit your proposal, it will be studied with discretion by the Organization Committee and will be proposed to one or more development teams made up of professionals (engineers, designers...), students and teachers from various schools and universities.

The results obtained by your teams will be presented to you and/or sent by email after 24h of development. In the resulting one from the 24h, a jury of expert in innovation will meet to give the awards for the best projects.

In order to protect the inventors, the team members and the jury shall respect the rules of the 24h of innovation. These terms and conditions apply notably to the intellectual property rights and the confidentiality.

Call for participation

Students, professionals, register to the 24h of innovation as an inventor, a developer (mechanical design, computing, electronic, automatic, design, ergonomics, marketing, communication, legal, industrial protection...) project manager, coach, consultant, sponsor, journalist, observer, jury, voluntary...

Program: The challenge will start with the announcement of the different subjects and the team making at 2pm, on Friday, October 22nd. 24h will be given to develop. Presentation of the results to the jury at 2pm on Saturday, October 23rd. Conclusion and awards presentation until 5pm, followed by a concert. On Sunday, sportive and cultural animations will be suggested.

The subjects: The subjects will be unveil on the 22nd of October at 2:00pm on site in the 24h of innovation at ESTIA.

Call for sponsors

Your company, institution, organization... want to be part of this event? You want to participate as a sponsor to the 24h of innovation with a financial contribution, your services or prices for the winning teams,... The name and the logo of your organization would appear as an official sponsor on all the official documents of the 24h of innovation (flyer, web site, press release...)

Documentation in french Documentation in english

Jérémy Legardeur - - (+33)


visits since July 2010

Last updated: October 04, 2023 - Webmaster: - URL:

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