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Administrer un Système ERP (OpenERP)

Jour 2 : Connexion à OpenERP

Compte rendu de TP : Répondez aux questions dans un fichier (à rendre en PDF à la fin du TP).

Exercice 1 • Première connexion à OpenERP 7.0

Le but est simplement de découvrir l'interface du client OpenERP.

  1. Commencer par lancer Linux/Debian dans une machine vituelle :
    1. Aller dans C:\TP_LINUX\
    2. Cliquer sur le fichier .vbox de votre machine virtuelle
    3. VirtualBox va s'ouvrir et démarer la machine virtuelle Debian
    4. Afin de travailler de manière plus confortable, modifiez la résolution d'affichage de la machine virtuelle :
      1. Allez dans « Menu des applications »
      2. Puis « Paramètres »
      3. Puis « Affichage »
      4. Et enfin, choisissez la résolution 1024x768.
  2. Puis, il faut lancer le serveur applicatif OpenERP. Dans un terminal :
    • su openerp (the password for openerp user is openerp)
    • cd /opt/openerp
    • ./server/openerp-server --xmlrpc-port=40069 --netrpc-port=40070 --addons-path=addons,web/addons --db_user=openerp --db_password=openerp
  3. Ensuite, ouvrir le navigateur web Firefox et saisir l'URL suivante :
  4. Comme c'est le premier accès au serveur, aucune base n'a encore été créée. Une redirection automatique affiche donc le formulaire de création de base de données. Saisissez :
    • Master password: admin
    • New database name: db_demo
    • Load demonstration data: checked
    • Default language: French/Français
    • Admin password: admin
    • Cliquez sur Create et patientez. La création de la base peut prendre un peu de temps. Wait!
  5. La base est maintenant créée et vous êtes connecté entant qu'administrateur. Dans le menu en haut à droite de la page, cliquez sur Déconnexion. Vous allez être redirigés sur sur la page d'accueil.
  6. Donnez le nom (admin) et le mot de passe (admin) et cliquez sur le bouton de connexion.
    Vous arrivez sur le panneau de configuration d'OpenERP (aussi appelé Settings dans la suite).
    Q1: Quels sont les 3 niveaux principaux en bleu dans le menu de gauche ?
  7. Déplacez le curseur de la souris sur le logo OpenERP en haut à gauche de la page. Cliquez sur « Modifier les données de la société »
    Changez le nom de la société par Demo Company.
    Changez le logo le logo de la société pour un des suivants (enregistrer d'abord le logo sur votre disque par un clic droit sur l'image):
    Logo1 Logo2 Logo3 Logo4 Logo5 Logo6
    Enregistrer les changements Save et fermez la mini-fenêtre.
    Rechargez la page en faisant Ctrl+R ou en tapant la touche F5
  8. Il y a deux manières d'installer des applications dans OpenERP 7.0 : dans la section Application (téléchargement en ligne depuis l'App Store) et dans la section Modules installés (installation à partir des fichiers installé sur votre poste). Nous préfèrerons la deuxième (compatibilité assurée).
  9. Cliquez dans le menu de gauche pour voir les Applications. Si votre ordinateur est connecté à Internet, les applications vont être listée depuis le « OpenERP Apps Store ».
  10. Maintenant, allez sur Settings > Modules Installés dans le menu.
    Q2: Combien de modules sont déjà installés ?
  11. Cliquez sur le module nommé Base.
    Q3: Quelles informations pouvez-vous ici obtenir à propos de ce module ?
    Q4: Quels sont ici les actions possibles sur ce module ?
    Q5: Dans l'onglet fonctionnalités, retrouvez dans la liste les entrées du menu qui apparaissent à gauche de votre fenêtre (que vous avez listées à la question Q1). Sous quelle entrée de menu principal les retrouve-t-on ?
  12. Maintenant cliquez dans le menu de gauche sur Settings > Traductions > Charger une traduction
    Observez le nombre de langues disponibles pour OpenERP. Par exemple, installez la langue Espagnol/Espanol
  13. Go to Settings > Users > Users
    • Click on Demo User to open form. Then click on Edit button of the form.
      Change the language of this user for your mother thongue.
      In the Access Rights tab, set Demo User as a user of Sales application.
      Click on Save button
    • Click on arrows at top right of the page to reach the Administrator form. Then click again on Edit button of the form.
      In the Access Rights tab, set Administrator as a user of Sales application.
      Click on Save button.
      Now Administrator (the account you are using right now) is a user of sales.
      Reload the page pressing Ctrl+R or pressing F5.
      Q6: What sections have appeared at the left of the upper black bar?
  14. Go to Sales > Sales > Customers
    • Use the arrow of the search bar in order to show Advanced Search options.
      Then, use Group By functionnality in order to display customer by country.
      Under the search bar, locate the view options button
      Q7: What is the name of the current view?
      Now, click to activate the list view.
      Click on one of the two persons present in Undefined in order to display its form.
      Q8: Why these two persons appear as Undefined when grouping by country?
    • In the search bar, close the two filters Customers and Country.
      Choose kanban view mode.
      Using Advanced Search options, observe, time after time, the entries shown for each of the five filters.
    • Again in the search bar, close all active filters, and open Advanced Search tool. Then unhide Advanced Search.
      Make this search: Country contains France and Is a Company is true.
      Click the button.
      Now, make the current search becoming a new custom filter. Call it French companies.
  15. Log out.

1.1 Log in as user

  1. Type username (demo) and password (demo) and click Login.
    You arrive on the Sales panel, which is the only one accessible for Demo User for the moment.
  2. Observe the page. Locate some translated terms.
  3. You may have a warning on the right corner of the page, nearby your login name.
    Access the preferences of Demo User.
    Then change timezone for Europe/Paris and click Save.
  4. In order to access the form of Morgan Rose, from Global Solutions, begin to type his name in the search bar, and click on the proposed name.
    Then, open his form.
    Q9: Are you allowed to edit the form?
    Explore the form and observe all the fields offered to parameter the form of this customer.
  5. Go back to the kanban view. Close all filters in the search bar. Perform a new advanced search: Users is set.
    Q10: How many results are listed? Why not all the persons appear?
  6. Log out.

1.2 Install modules

  1. Log as Administrator.
  2. Go to Settings > Modules > Installed Modules
    • Close the filter Installed in the search bar.
    • Now you should see all available modules. For the moment, don't click on Install button
    • Clicking on the name of a module, information will be displayed. Then you will be able to go back to the list pressing the kanban view button. Doing so, take some time to explore the forms of the modules listed here.
    • Go down the page and find the Show More button. Do this again and again, in order to browse all the modules list.
    • Now, choose list mode
      Q11: What is total number of modules?
    • Go back to kanban view. The modules you are going to install are the following:
      • Accounting and Finance (When asked during the installation, you will choose French accounting)
      • MRP
      • Purchase Management
      • Sales Management
      • Warehouse Management
      Be patient, the installation of some modules can take some time. Wait!
      Q12: You have installed 5 new modules. What sections are now present in the upper black bar?
      Explore each of the new sections (the menus, the forms, the preloaded data, …) by yourself.
  3. Go to Settings > Users > Users
    Open the form of Demo User and click the Edit button.
    Open the Access Rights tab.
    Observe new applications are available here.
    Observe also the different possible access grants existing for each application.
  4. Log out and log in as Demo User.
    Take few minutes to explore all the sections, menus, forms, … translated in your mother thongue.
  5. Log out.

1.3 Exporting database

1.4 Technical administration

  1. Log as Administrator.
  2. Go to Settings > Users > Users
    • Open Administrator user form.
    • Click the Edit button, and then activate Technical Features
    • Click the Save button, and then reload page pressing Ctrl+R or pressing F5
    • Observe that some menus are now unhidden for Administrator:
      • Users > Groups
      • Technical
      • Configuration
  3. Something usefull when programmaing, is to know the name and the type of the fields of the object models. To find these informations, all the database structure of loaded modules can be browsed from Settings > Technical > Database Structure > Models
    • Click on this menu entry to open the view on the models present in the database.
    • Look for the model res.users
      • Click on the res.users line to open its form.
      • This model allows to represent the data needed to desribe users in OpenERP.
      • Observe the fields names and types, and if the fields are required or readonly.
      • Open the Access Rights tab and observe it.
      • Open the Views tab and observe it.
    • For example, perform the same steps for the following other models:
      • res.country : used to describe data for a country in OpenERP.
      • res.partner : used to describe data for a partner in OpenERP.
      • mrp.bom : used to describe data for a Bill of Material in the MRP module of OpenERP.
      • product.product : used to describe data for a product in OpenERP.

Exercice 2 • A complete Sales / Purchase / Manufacturing / Warehouse flow

The aim is perform several steps of a complete business flow.

You are going to follow the instructions described in the chapter 2 of this book:

Els Van Vossel and Fabien Pinckaers, Streamline your Manufacturing Processes with OpenERP, A Simple Approach to Manage the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Complexity, Open Object Press, 2011, 230 pages.

Download chapter 2 in pdf (500 ko).

Remark: This book was written for the version 6 of OpenERP. Event if is is globally the same, there are some small differences with the version 7. So, don't always follow all the insctructions word after word! By example:

While performing the steps of the flow, you will have to answer the following questions:

Tableau 2.1
Name of the user Thomas Mitchell Jason Randy Robin
Job in the company
for the
Accounting & Finance
Human Resources

Exercice 3 • A complete example : from Leads to Sales orders

For those who have already finished the previous exercise, you can continue with this other example.

Follow the instructions described in chapter 2 of this book:

Els Van Vossel and Fabien Pinckaers, Drive your sales & marketing activities with openerp, Open Object Press, 2011, 202 pages.

Download chapter 2 in pdf (500 ko).

Exercice 4 • A complete example : Sell, Check the stock, Purchase

For those who have already finished the previous exercises, you can continue with this other example.

Follow the instructions described in chapter 2 of this book:

Els Van Vossel and Fabien Pinckaers, Integrate your Logistic Processes with OpenERP, Open Object Press, 2011, 230 pages.

Download chapter 2 in pdf (500 ko).